Grief Support
Suncrest Hospice
42808 Christy St #216
Fremont, Ca 94538
Vitas Hospice
670 N McCarthy Blvd #220
Milpitas, Ca 95035
Website has a lot of information and online
Support. Must call for classes
Pathways Hospice
Information Call Vivian 408-773-4241
Support Call Tom May 408-773-4329
They offer the most classes on both sides of the Bay.
Washington Hospital
2500 Mowry Ave
Fremont, Ca
Classes every Tues at 7:00-8:30
8 weeks sessions
Kaiser Fremont
Harbor Light
4760Thornton Ave
Fremont, Ca 510-744-2233
Registration and Workbook $20.00
Our family has used the services of Chapel Of The Angels twice during our times of need. On both instances they made quick arrangements to retrieve our loved ones, and began the process of caring for them immediately. With regards to our mother, the grave site was clear out on the coast. They took care of the entire processional without any issues. They offer a full range of services and are responsive to all needs and requests. I know the entire family and am impressed with their intregity. I highly recommend Berge-Pappas-Smith Chapel of the Angels.