I-Chun Chen

i-chun chen
Mr. Chen I Chun was born in February 15, 1924. Due to the hardships of life during War World II, our grandma encouraged him to pursue his dream to earn his education. He went aboard to study at University of Waseda in Japan after graduating middle high, and lived with his sister, our beloved aunt, who worked in Japan at that time. After graduation from the University, he enlisted in the Japanese military for a while. After the war, the Japanese economy was in shambles and there was an extreme shortage of materials. But he worked hard and tried every means to make ends meet. He was young and handsome, despised the circumstances, he didn't forget to enjoy his life; these were his most memorable days. And to him, Japan was his second home. At the age of thirty, he returned to Taiwan to start a business. The Qingwen Trading Company, a wholesaler, imported Japanese professional books and Japanese magazines. In the same year, he met and wed Ms. Lin Fong Chao, our beloved mother. She completed his life, and gave him 6 daughters and one son. Even with his exhausting and busy work schedule, he would always find the time to help his children with their schoolwork - most particularly mathematics. If he did find a day to spare, he would spend it with his wife and children - taking them to the mountains or to the sea shores. Although these moments were not as frequently as we'd like, each moment was precious In 2002, he and his wife immigrated to the United States, living with their son, Mr. Chen Hung Chi and daughter-in-law, Ms. Tammie in California. Spending time with their children and grandchildren brought them true happiness. Mr. Chen's personality can be described as cheerful yet studious. He loved all kinds of music and a variety of artists. He played Sudoku in his free time, and loved to surf the internet. People who knew him well referred him as '3C Ogison', which is a reference to his affinity to technology. He loved to frequent the Japan Cultural Center in San Jose and Japan Town in San Francisco, bring home books to read and enjoyed the local sashimi. In the most recent years, he had been in and out of hospital frequently due to health conditions with his age. His second daughter and third daughter Shu Ying and Shu Hsun came to the United States to care and accompany him. His eldest daughter in Georgia, Juling, as well as his daughters in Taiwan, Shu Min, Chao Huang, Chao Chi would also visit as frequently as they could in order to share their love and care with him. On the morning of December 18, 2016, having fulfilled his responsibilities and obligations to this world, he relinquished his life and was summoned by God, Although it is difficult to accept his departure, we look forward to seeing him again, may him rest in peace.

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  1. Chinese Translation


  2. 這七個月的陪伴,爸爸沒有病痛去當天使,心痛不捨又替爸高興!相信你會保佑我平安健康。我愛你,爸爸!

  3. Dear Hung-Chi & Tammie,
    We were saddened to hear that your father passed away. Our thoughts are with you and your family.

  4. To my beloved Grandfather,

    Though I did not get the chance to know you well, it’s apparent to all that you’ve instilled exemplary characteristics in your children through your hard work and dedication. These characteristics have been passed on to your children’s children (including myself) and will be in our family for many generations to come.

    Thank you for all that you’ve done for our family. We all have wonderful memories of you and your bright smile, and I know these memories will sustain us in the coming days. You are the most self reliant and caring person I’ve ever met and you will forever live on in our memories and in our hearts.


  5. My dear father,
    As the eldest of your seven children, I was so blessed to have all the attention all the best things from you. I had let you down but you never gave up, helped me applying senior high and through the college. You’ve been so much patient with me, raise me up and become what I am today. I will miss you. bye for now.

  6. Grandpa,
    Although the moments we shared together were brief, I’ll always cherish each second. i can still taste the dirt and debris that hit my face while you rode your motorcycle through the streets of Taipei with me holding on for dear life. Although I never admitted it, those were the most exciting and scariest moments. I even bought my own motorcycle to share the same excitement. Fast forward in time, im so glad and blessed to introduce Christelle to you. She, like I, loves you. She loves your always-positive attitude, your warm smile, and your love towards family. Although you may be gone from this world, you’ll never be more than a thought away in our memories.

  7. 親愛的爸爸,感謝您給予我滿滿的愛,每當我教采芸數學時都會想起,我小時候您不厭其煩地一遍又一遍的開導我愚頓的觀念,當我在人生或事業上遇到瓶頸,才體會到您養育我們姐弟的辛勞,而今您的責任已經圓滿了,希望您在另個世界當個無憂無慮的快樂天使。

  8. Hung-Chi & Tammie:

    Our prayers are with you and your family during this difficult time. May God gives you strength and comfort.

    David and Sue

  9. Hung-Chi & Tammie:

    Our prayers are with you and your family during this difficult time. May God gives you strength and comfort.

    David and Sue

  10. Dear Juling,

    Thanks for letting us know about your father’s transition. I read your father’s obituary and the messages from you, Eric, and Christine. It is clear that there is great love in your family for father and grandfather.

    I know that the days and weeks ahead are a sad time for you. Please accept our deepest sympathy. You are often in our thoughts.

  11. 陳老伯息了世上的勞苦,但是兒女們捨不得。只有盼望天家再相見

  12. We truly can feel the loss emotionally and spiritually. May the family stay strong and feel unity at this time.our family.

  13. 爸爸, 安息吧。終於放下了人生的重擔。感謝您把您的至寶如玲交給了我,我必不付您所託。您請放心的走,希望您在天之靈保佑我們大家平安健康。

  14. 爸,您是我的驕傲。雖然不捨,但卸下了病痛後反而放心了您的離開,想像您是起程去另一段快樂的旅途。再見了,老爸。

  15. 我最親愛的舅舅,很不捨你的離開,你幽默風趣又親切的身影永遠在我的心中,想念你!

  16. 阿舅,沒有想到你那麼快就被主接走了!記憶中你都是運動健將,棒球及網球迷!從小你都是笑臉迎人,十分幽默和開朗, 大家都是那麼的尊敬你!雖然你已經與主同在,但是你的笑容深深印在我們的心

  17. 爸爸~對不起,請原諒我這不孝的小女兒,未能及時報答您的養育之恩,就讓您離開了~

  18. 親愛的舅公,小時候最喜歡去你家玩了,有好玩的電動、好吃的菜肴還有親切的您,美好的感覺深刻在腦海,而您不斷吸收新知,比年輕人更年輕的心態也讓我好佩服,科技阿公的稱號受之無愧!前年很開心能見到您,您硬朗的身影還停留在腦海,沒想到這麼快就要告別⋯很捨不得您,但衷心相信您在神的世界ㄧ樣可以過得精彩!祝福您!

  19. 爸爸!每天例行的


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